Daily Pics, My Comic, and The Times
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Why did Bilbo Baggins live for so long?

Because old Hobbits die hard...


Trump should never have said; "sh!t hole countries."

The correct term is "turd world countries."


A 15 year old boy was at the center of a Dallas County courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulation requiring that family unity be maintained to the highest degree possible.

The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried and said that they also beat him. After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him.

After two recesses to check legal references and confer with the child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Detroit Lions, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.


In Scotland, they are so mean with money that every home has double glazing installed.

So their kids can't hear the ice cream truck.


I was sitting on the toilet, angry and late for work.

Thinking to myself, "I don't have time for this sh!t!".

Quote of the Times;
Luck is a word used to describe the success of people you don’t like. – Harvey

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
The Afghanistization of America by Victor Davis Hanson

We are doing our best to become a Third-World country of incompetency, constitutional erosion, a fractious and politicized military elite, and racially and ethnically obsessed warring tribes.

The United States should be at its pinnacle of strength. It still produces more goods and services than any other nation—China included, which has a population over four times as large. Its fuel and food industries are globally preeminent, as are its graduate science, computer, engineering, medical, and technology university programs. Its constitution is the oldest of current free nations. And the U.S. military is by far the best funded in the world. And yet something has gone terribly wrong within America, from the southern border to Afghanistan.

The inexplicable in Afghanistan—surrendering Bagram Air Base in the middle of the night, abandoning tens of billions of dollars of military equipment to the Taliban, and forsaking both trapped Americans and loyalist Afghans—has now become the new Biden model of inattention and incompetence.

Or to put it another way, when we seek to implant our culture abroad, do we instead come to emulate what we are trying to change?


Take COVID-19. Joe Biden in 2020 (along with Kamala Harris) trashed Trump’s impending Operation Warp Speed vaccinations. Then, after inauguration, Biden falsely claimed no one had been vaccinated until his ascension (in fact, 1million a day were being vaccinated before he assumed office). Then again, Biden claimed ad nauseam that he didn’t believe in mandates to force the new and largely experimental vaccinations on the public. Then, once more, he promised that they were so effective and so many Americans had received vaccines that by July 4 the country would return to a virtual pre-COVID normality.

Then came the delta variant and his self-created disaster in Afghanistan.

To divert his attention away from the Afghan morass, Biden weirdly focused on an equally confused new presidential COVID-19 mandate, seeking to subject federal employees, soldiers, and employees of larger firms to mandatory vaccinations—right as the contagious delta variant seemed to be slowly tapering off, given the millions who have either been vaxxed, have developed natural immunity, or both.

Consider other paradoxes. American citizens must be vaccinated, but not the forecasted 2 million noncitizens expected to cross the southern border illegally into the United States over the current fiscal year. Soldiers who bravely helped more than 100,000 Afghan refugees escape must be vaccinated, but not the unvetted foreign nationals from a premodern country?

Scientists now are convinced naturally acquired COVID-19 immunity from a previous infection likely provides longer and better protection than does any of the current vaccinations.

Yet those who suffered COVID-19, and now have antibodies and other natural defenses, must likewise be vaccinated. That anomaly raises the obvious logical absurdities: will those with vaccinations—in reciprocal fashion—be forced to be exposed to the virus to obtain additional and superior natural immunity, given the Biden logic of the need for both acquired and vaccinated immunity?

Tribal Lands

We have Afghanistanized the border as well, turning the United States into a pre-state whose badlands borders are absolutely porous and fluid. There is no audit of newcomers, no vaccinations required, no COVID-19 tests—none of the requirements that millions of citizens must meet either entering the United States or working at their jobs. Our Bagram abandonment is matched by abruptly abandoning the border wall in mid-course.

Yet where the barrier exists, there is some order; where Joe Biden abandoned the wall, there is a veritable stampede of illegal migration.

Coups, Juntas and Such

Third-World countries suffer military coups when unelected top brass and caudillos often insidiously take control of the country’s governance in slow-motion fashion. The latest Bob Woodward “I heard,” “they say,” and “sources reveal” mythography now claims that General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, discussed separating an elected commander-in-chief from control of the military. Woodward and co-author Robert Costa also assert that Milley promised his Chinese Communist military counterpart that he would tip off the People’s Liberation Army of any planned U.S. aggressive action—an odd paranoia when Donald Trump, of the last five presidents, has proved the most reluctant to send U.S. troops into harm’s way.

If that bizarre assertion is true, Milley himself might have essentially risked starting a war by eroding U.S. deterrence in apprising an enemy of perceived internal instability inside the executive branch, and the lack of a unified command. (So, Woodward wrote: “‘General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable, and everything is going to be okay,’ Milley said. ‘We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.’ Milley then added, ‘If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.’”)

More germanely, when Milley called in senior officers and laid down his own operational directives concerning nuclear weapons, he was clearly violating the law as established and strengthened in 1947, 1953, and 1986 that clearly states the Joint Chiefs are advisors to the president and are not in the chain of command and are to be bypassed, at least operationally, by the president.

The commander in chief sets policy. And if it requires the use of force, he directs the secretary of defense to relay presidential orders to the relevant theater commanders. Milley had no authority to discuss changing nuclear procedures, much less to convey a smear to an enemy that his commander in chief was non compos mentis.

Milley has been reduced to a caricature of a caricature right out of “Dr. Strangelove”—and is himself a danger to national security. After Milley’s summer 2020 virtue-signaling “apology” for alleged presidential photo-op misbehavior (found to be completely false by the interior department’s inspector general); after leaked news reports that Milley considered resignation (promises, promises) to signal his anger at Trump in summer 2020; after his dismissal of the 120 days of rioting, 28 deaths, 14,000 arrests, and $2 billion in damage as mere “penny packet protests”; after his “white rage” blathering before Congress; after the collapse of the U.S. military command in Kabul; and after his premature and hasty assessment of a U.S. drone strike that killed 10 innocent civilians as “righteous,” Woodward’s sensationalism may not sound as impossible as his usual fare.

Milley should either deny the Woodward charges and demand a real apology or resign immediately. He has violated the law governing the chain of command, misused his office of chairman of the Joint Chiefs, politicized the military, proved inept in his military judgment and advice, and may well have committed a felony in revealing to a hostile military leader that the United States was, in his opinion, in a crisis mode.

Yet, Milley did not act in isolation. Where did this low-bar Pentagon coup talk originate? And who are those responsible for creating a culture in which unelected current and retired military officers, sworn to uphold the constitutional order and the law of civilian control of the military, believe that they can arbitrarily declare an elected president either incompetent or criminal—and thus subject to their own renegade sort of freelancing justice?

As a footnote, remember that after little more than a week of the Trump presidency, Rosa Brooks, an Obama-era Pentagon appointee, published in Foreign Policy various ways to remove the newly inaugurated president. Among those mentioned was a military coup, in which top officers were to collude to obstruct a presidential order, on the basis of their own perceptions of a lack of presidential rectitude or competence.

We note additionally that over a dozen high-ranking retired generals and admirals have serially violated the uniform code of military justice in demonizing publicly their commander in chief with the worst sort of smears and slanders. And they have done so with complete exemption and in mockery of the very code they have sworn to abide.

Two retired army officers, colonels John Nagl and Paul Yingling, on the eve of the 2020 election, urged Milley to order U.S. army forces to remove Trump from office if in their opinion he obstructed the results of the election—superseding in effect a president’s elected powers as well as those constitutional checks and balances of the legislative and judicial branches upon him.

We know that these were all partisan and not principled concerns about an alleged non compos mentis president, because none of these same outspoken “Seven Days in May” generals have similarly violated the military code by negatively commenting publicly on the current dangerous cognitive decline of Joe Biden and the real national security dangers of his impairment, as evidenced by the disastrous skedaddle from Afghanistan and often inability to speak coherently or remember key names and places.

In short, is our new freelancing and partisan military also in the process of becoming Afghanized—too many of its leadership electively appealing to pseudo-higher principles to contextualize violating the Constitution of the United States and, sadly, too many trying to reflect the general woke landscape of the corporate board to which so many have retired? Like tribal warlords, our top brass simply do as they please, and then message to us “so what are you going to do about it?”

The Constitution as Construct

How paradoxical that the United States has sent teams of constitutional specialists to Iraq and Afghanistan to help tribal societies to draft legal, ordered, and sustainable Western consensual government charters that are not subject to the whims of particular tribes and parties. Yet America itself is descending in the exact opposite direction.

Suddenly in 2021 America, if ancient consensual rules, customs, and constitutional mandates do not facilitate and advance the progressive project, then by all means they must end—by a mere one vote in the Senate. It is as if the centuries of our history, the Constitution, and the logic of the founders were analogous to a shouting match among a squabbling Taliban tribal council of elders.

Junk the 233-year-old Electoral College and the constitutional directive to the states to assume primary responsibilities in establishing voting procedures in national elections. End the 180-year-old Senate filibuster. Do away with the now bothersome 150-year nine-justice Supreme Court. And scrap the 60-year-old tradition of a 50-state union.

Impeachment was intended by the founders as a rare reset of the executive branch in extremis. Now it is to be a pro formaattack on the president in his first term by the opposite party as soon as it gains control of the House—without a special counsel, without witnesses and cross-examinations, without any specific high crimes and misdemeanors or bribery and treason charges. And why not from now on impeach a president twice within a year—or try him in the Senate when he is out of office as a private citizen?

When private citizen Joe Biden is retired from the presidency, will his political enemies dig up his sketchy IRS records alleging that he never paid income taxes on the “big guy’s” “10 percent” of the income from the Hunter Biden money machine?

American Tribes

We may think virtue-signaling pride flags, gender studies, and George Floyd murals in Kabul remind the world of our postmodern sophistication. Yet, in truth, we are becoming far more like Afghanistan in the current tribalization of America—where tribal, racial, and ethnic loyalties are now essential to an American’s primary identity and loyalty—than we were ever able to make Afghanistan like us.

When we read leftist heartthrob Ibram X. Kendi’s endorsement of overt racial discrimination or academic and media obsessions with a supposed near-satanic “whiteness,” or the current fixations on skin color and first loyalties to those who share superficial racial affinities, then we are not much different from the Afghan tribalists. We in America apparently have decided the warring badlands of the Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbeks have their advantages over a racially blind, consensual republic. They are the model to us, not us of the now-discredited melting pot to them.

How sad in our blinkered arrogance that we go across the globe to the tribal Third World to teach the impoverished a supposedly preferrable culture and politics, while at home we are doing our best to become a Third-World country of incompetency, constitutional erosion, a fractious and politicized military elite, and racially and ethnically obsessed warring tribes.

News of the Times;
I tried one of those "Try Not To Laugh" challenges, but barely made it halfway before cracking up.

I guess you could say... I fought the LOL, and the LOL won.


Hired a handy man and gave him a list.

When I got home, only #1, 3 & 5 were done.

Turns out, he only does odd jobs.


Sun Tzu's The Art of War is a masterpiece of military strategy, yet General Mark A. Milley says he can make it even better. Milley believes the book needs to be updated to integrate all the advancements America's modern military has made in military tactics and strategy. To that end, he's updating several of Sun Tzu's famous paradigms:

"If you think you might attack an enemy, pick up the phone and give 'em a heads up. It's only fair."

"You have to be careful not to surprise your enemy. They really don't like it."

"Treason is not treason if it is the lesser of two treasons."

"Know thy pronouns, and know thy enemy's pronouns."

"The supreme art of war is to surrender to your enemy without fighting."

“All war is white rage.”

"If thy commanding officer sends mean tweets, thou need not follow orders or the chain of command."

"The enemy of my friend is my friend."

“Keep your friends close and your enemies on speed dial.”

“You cannot betray the one to which you were never loyal.”

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for China.”

"When retreating, leave most of thy armaments behind so you know what you'll be up against next time."

"Chinese bros before American hoes."

"He who turns on bad orange man gets big book deal."


I tried to make a 'fancy' sauce last night at dinner, I mixed vodka, gravy and nitrous oxide,

Sadly, all I managed was making myself an Absolut laughing stock!


What should you do when nobody laughs at your science jokes?

Keep trying until you get a reaction.

Quote of the Times;
The American Dream has turned into a nightmare under President Biden and the radical Democrats. They have declared war against capitalism, thumbed their noses at the Constitution, and empowered our enemies abroad. Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian. - Governor Henry McMaster

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
Here's How to Tell Within 5 Minutes If Someone Isn't as Smart as They Think by Jeff Haden

Science says people who do one thing tend to be less intelligent. And less competent.

I ordered a turkey sandwich and asked for double meat. The guy behind me said, "You shouldn't eat meat." I turned and shrugged.

"Seriously," he said, his voice getting louder. "Meat is bad for you."

"Maybe so," I said. "But I like meat."

Evidently that was not the right response. "A friend turned me on to a vegan diet," he said. "Only fools eat meat. Meat is terrible for you. There's not a single reason to eat meat. The science is irrefutable." Then he paused and moved closer, narrowing his eyes to stare intently into mine.

"It's changed my life," he said.

"I'm not sure all meat is bad," I said. "But that's really cool how being a vegan has worked out for you. How long have you been doing it?"

"This is my second day," he said.


The Dunning-Kruger Effect

His certainty provides a perfect example of the Dunning-Kruger effect, a type of cognitive bias described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger in which people believe they're smarter and more skilled than they actually are. Combine a lack of self-awareness with low cognitive ability and boom: You overestimate your own intelligence and competence.

As Dunning, a psychology professor at the University of Michigan, says, "if you're incompetent, you can't know you're incompetent. The skills you need to produce the right answer are the very same skills you need to recognize the right answer."

As Bertrand Russell said, "one of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision."

Or as my grandfather said, "the dumber you are, the more you think you know."

(On the flip side, people with high ability tend to underestimate how good they are. High-ability individuals tend to underrate their relative competence, and at the same time assume that tasks that are easy for them are just as easy for other people.)

But I shouldn't be too hard on the gentleman who had just adopted a vegan diet. I once spent 20 minutes trying to convince a motorcycle mechanic my bike handled poorly because of issues like spring rate and steering head angle and frame height, only to learn I had unknowingly turned my rear shock's rebound damping to its lowest setting.

Wildly overestimating my knowledge made me a D-K.

We all know people who do the same. They take a position and then proclaim and bluster and pontificate while totally disregarding differing opinions or points of view. They know they're right -- and they want you to know they're right.

Their behavior isn't an indication of intelligence, though. It's the classic sign of a D-K.

Wisdom Is Never Found in Certainty

As Jeff Bezos says, "the smartest people are constantly revising their understanding, reconsidering a problem they thought they'd already solved. They're open to new points of view, new information, new ideas, contradictions, and challenges to their own way of thinking."

That's because wisdom isn't found in certainty. Wisdom is knowing that while you might know a lot, there's also a lot you don't know. Wisdom is trying to find out what is right rather than trying to be right. Wisdom is realizing when you're wrong, and backing down graciously.

Don't be afraid to be wrong. Don't be afraid to admit you don't have all the answers. Don't be afraid to say "I think" instead of "I know."

As my Inc. colleague Jessica Stillman says, "next time you're trying to determine if someone is actually super smart or simply bluffing, don't ask whether they're always right. Instead, ask when was the last time they changed their opinion. If they can't name lots of times they were wrong, they're probably not as smart as they want to appear."

Which means they're probably a D-K.

News of the Times;
A new study says that couch potatoes are 7 times more likely to have a stroke.

To make matters worse, I had to watch the entire story on the news because the TV remote was on the far opposite side of the room.


I met a Muslim man who said he had the Qur'an on DVD.

The trouble started when I asked him to burn a copy for me.


President Biden's popularity has plummeted, dropping to only a 41% approval rating.

People are apparently upset with his handling of Afghanistan, the pandemic and the failure to secure a permanent new host for Jeopardy.


Just hours after cover art for NHL 22 was shown, EA sports had to recall all advanced copies of the game sent out to testers.

Apparently during beta testing, it was discovered that before going to the second round of the playoffs, the game would freeze.

The irony of a hockey game freezing cannot be ignored.


I’m writing a book in fifth person.

Every sentence starts out with: “I heard from this guy who told somebody…”

Quote of the Times;
"You know what I mean. But the kinds of things or, you know, stuff that's coming out of Florida, stuff that's coming out of you know, Robert E. Lee had been in Afghanistan, he woulda won." - "President" Joe Biden

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
U.S. touts new project to bolster Tajik-Afghan border, as Biden abandons U.S. border wall by Bethany Blankley

While the Biden administration halted construction of the border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, the United States is funding border security efforts for Tajikistan, a former Soviet republic trying to keep Afghan insurgents and refugees out.

One day after the Biden administration's Aug. 31 deadline to withdraw from Afghanistan, the U.S. Embassy in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, announced that it had launched a project to construct new facilities for a Border Guard Detachment in Ayvoj, along the Tajik-Afghan-Uzbek border.

That facility is designed to help Tajik security forces better respond to Afghans seeking to flee Taliban rule or insurgents seeking to cause mischief to its neighbor.

While the announcement was largely overlooked by the U.S. media, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) warned in August that it was "preposterous" for American tax dollars to be spent securing a foreign country's border while the U.S. southern border remained wide open.

Last month, nearly 209,000 illegal aliens crossed the U.S. southern border, a two-decade high and four times higher than the last August of the Trump administration, which had tightened border security.

"So we are clear: your tax money is spent building a wall and securing the border in Tajikistan and hydro-power in Afghanistan, but our borders are open and the last large hydro power plant built by Army Corp of Engineers in U.S. was in 1979," Gosar said.

Tajikistan shares an 835-mile border with Afghanistan — less than the 1,254 miles of border shared between Texas and Mexico and less than half the 1,954-mile distance of the entire U.S.-Mexico border.

A new detachment facility in Ayvoj, Tajikistan will replace an outdated facility and allow the Border Guard Service to deploy forces more quickly to border areas in response to threats posed by the Taliban's takeover.

The new facility will also provide housing for Border Guard personnel and their family members, U.S. officials said.

Tajikistan is still a member of the post-Soviet, Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organization (CTSO) alliance, Reuters reports.

"The United States and Tajikistan enjoy strong security cooperation, and this border detachment project is just another example of our shared commitment to the security and sovereignty of Tajikistan and Central Asia," said U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan John Mark Pommersheim.

Since 2002, the U.S. government has provided over $300 million in security-sector assistance to Tajikistan. U.S. taxpayers have also footed the bill to renovate or rebuild 12 border outposts, nine border checkpoint facilities, and three training centers for Tajik border guards to help combat security threats, the embassy disclosed.

One month before the U.S. withdrawal of Afghanistan, Tajikistan said it could only take roughly 100,000 Afghan refugees — knowing ahead of time that they would be coming.

"Tajikistan does not have the capacity to accommodate a large number of refugees and asylum seekers," Interior Minister Ramazon Rakhimzoda said in July, according to a report by Reuters.

Similar concerns were also expressed by other European countries that beefed up their border efforts, including Greece and Hungary.

Meanwhile, in Texas, state taxpayers are left footing another bill: $1.8 billion allocated by the Texas legislature to finish the U.S. border wall on Texas soil begun under the Trump administration.

The Texas Facilities Commission earlier this month selected a program manager to oversee the wall's construction: Michael Baker International, Inc., a Pennsylvania engineering firm, and the Dallas-based design firm, Huitt-Zollars.

The contract is expected to be awarded any day. Both firms have helped complete hundreds of miles of border wall projects for the federal government. It's the first time any entity would be contracted with a state government to install a border wall.

Legislation recently signed into law by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott allocates funding for border security.

Instead of the U.S. government sending troops to secure the border, the Texans are paying an initial $301 million towards salaries and costs for 1,800 National Guardsmen and women, roughly 11 battalions, to install fencing with trespassing signs, and later work on the wall construction or another barrier.

A Washington Examiner analysis indicates only 150 miles of the 1,250 mile border has a substantive barrier, leaving 1,100 miles left for Texas to secure.

But the purpose of the border wall is not to cover the entire 1,254 miles of Texas, or the entire southern border separating the U.S. from Mexico.

Brandon Judd, president of the National Border Patrol Council, has explained the purpose of the wall is to provide controlled points of entry at different checkpoints along the border. This has proven to be an effective strategy to allow Border Patrol agents to manage the flow of immigration and patrol the field to deter criminal activity.

Texas has identified slightly more than 700 miles of land where barriers, fences and the wall can be constructed. The Texas National Guard has already begun erecting an 8-foot-high chain-link fence in some sectors.

News of the Times;
The recent Pacific Northwest heat wave is said to have killed thousands of clams and mussels along the coast; baked 'em right on the beach.

We are an overturned butter truck away from a heck of a party.


A judge in Spain says that Shakira may have avoided paying the taxes she owed and should go to trial.

Hopefully, her hips won't be called in to testify.


In a tragedy that's becoming all too common among millennial women, local wife and mother of three Destiny Madur sadly passed away after she only managed to drink seven and a half glasses of water instead of the recommended eight on Saturday.

"This death was entirely preventable," said presiding ER doctor F.P. Langley. "It's so sad to see a young, healthy woman like Mrs. Madur not drink all eight glasses of water a day as we've been recommending for some time. She was trying to down that last half a glass and then just left it on her bedside table, which kind of looked like the house in Signs with all the water containers left everywhere. But she started watching one of her TV shows and forgot about it."

Dr. Langley said that as soon as the clock struck midnight, Madur realized her mistake and reached for her glass of water to finish it off, but it was too late. She died moments later. Her husband says he is dedicating his life to making sure people drink eight glasses of water a day. "It's what she would have wanted," he said somberly. "She was always telling me to drink more water. In an ironic twist of fate, that's what undid her in the end. WHY, GOD!? WHY?!?!"

According to experts, millions of women die every year after not quite managing to chug a full eight glasses of water a day. "It's the number one cause of death in America," said medical journalist Paul Breadcrombie. "So very sad."

At publishing time, sources had confirmed most men haven't drunk a full glass of water in over a decade and are totally fine.


My friends asked me to go camping, so I made a list of the things I would need:

#1. New friends.


What does a British owl say?

Whom...., whom.

Quote of the Times;
“Pedophilia is the end game of equality. It always was. And every single conservative who proudly embraced “judeochristianity” and every single liberal who preened about how he only judged people by the content of their character bears their share of the blame for walking down this road. Jesus Christ came to divide, not to unite, and there is absolutely no equality of any kind, not in Heaven and not in this world. If you are preaching unity, equality, tolerance, and inclusiveness, you are serving evil.” - Vox Day

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
Hospital to stop delivering babies as maternity workers resign over vaccine mandate by Brendan Straub

LOWVILLE, New York (WWNY) - Lewis County General Hospital will stop delivering babies after September 24 because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over COVID vaccination mandates.

That’s according to Lewis County Health System Chief Executive Officer Gerald Cayer, who held a news conference Friday in Lowville.

He said 6 employees in the maternity unit resigned rather than get a COVID shot and another 7 are undecided.

According to Cayer, the hospital will be unable to safely staff the unit and will pause delivering babies after September 24.

He said he hopes this is a temporary situation and will work with the state Department of Health to make sure the unit won’t permanently close.

“If we can pause the service and now focus on recruiting nurses who are vaccinated, we will be able to reengage in delivering babies here in Lewis County,” said Cayer.

Cayer said 165 hospital employees have yet to be vaccinated against COVID-19; that’s 27 percent of the workforce.

The other 464 workers, or 73 percent of employees, have gotten their shots, he said.

In August, the state announced all health care workers at hospitals and long-term care facilities across New York would be required to have gotten at least their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination by September 27.

Cayer said the announcement prompted 30 workers to get vaccinated, while another 30 resigned.

“Our hope is as we get closer (to the deadline), the numbers will increase of individuals who are vaccinated, fewer individuals will leave and maybe, with a little luck, some of those who have resigned will reconsider,” he said. “We are not alone. There are thousands of positions that are open north of the Thruway and now we have a challenge to work through, you know, with the vaccination mandate.”

News of the Times;
I couldn't afford one of those DNA tests, so I just announced I won the lottery.

I soon found out who all my relatives are.


Muslims are a lot like breakfast eggs.

If they aren't Sunni side up, they're probably Shiite.



Phones can be used for talking to people AND to avoid talking to people.

If you sliced wolverine directly in half, which side would regenerate?

Is Hugh Hefner In A Better Place?

Captchas can't distinguish between bots and drunks.

A saddle is like a human-horse adapter.

Kids are just drunk adults.

Accidentally having a small magnet on the bottom of your laptop is like finding a tick on your head.

Why does children's cough syrup taste like candy, but regular cough syrup tastes like donkey balls?

We should have more average looking models so we can see what we're actually going to look like.

If a cyclops closes its eye, is it a wink or a blink?

Everything we eat turns to sh!t.

All of Robin William's quotes are sadder when you realize some of them are referring to himself.


Although my daughter wasn’t much of a bowler, when her friend’s bowling team was down a player, my daughter agreed to fill in.

“So how’d you do?” I asked a few days later.

She rattled off her scores: “One sixty, one sixty-seven, and one fifty-five.”

“Wow! That’s great!”

“No… One game sixty, one game sixty-seven, and one game fifty-five.”


Kelly Clarkson's ex-husband is going to receive almost $200K a month in support payments.

You know, with budgeting, you could make that work.

Quote of the Times;
The hospitals are “overwhelmed” because they keep “firing” people. Yet won’t hand out termination letters because they know they can get sued. - Danelishen

Link of the Times;

Issue of the Times;
No, Jesus Wasn't a Socialist by Lawrence Reed

Christian charity, being voluntary and heartfelt, is utterly distinct from the compulsory, impersonal mandates of the state.

The claim that Jesus Christ was a socialist has become a popular refrain among liberals, even from some whose Christianity is lukewarm at best. But is there any truth in it?

That question cannot be answered without a reliable definition of socialism. A century ago, it was widely regarded as government ownership of the means of production. Jesus never once even hinted at that concept, let alone endorsed it. Yet the definition has changed over time. When the critiques of economists such as Ludwig von Mises, F. A. Hayek, and Milton Friedman demolished any intellectual case for the original form of socialism, and reality proved them to be devastatingly right, socialists shifted to another version: central planning of the economy.

One can scour the New Testament and find nary a word from Jesus that calls for empowering politicians or bureaucrats to allocate resources, pick winners and losers, tell entrepreneurs how to run their businesses, impose minimum wages or maximum prices, compel workers to join unions, or even to raise taxes. When the Pharisees attempted to trick Jesus of Nazareth into endorsing tax evasion, he cleverly allowed others to decide what properly belongs to the State by responding, “Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and to God that which is God’s.”

Nonetheless, one of the charges that led to Jesus’s crucifixion was indeed tax evasion.

Changing the Definition

With the reputation of central planners in the dumpster worldwide, socialists have largely moved on to a different emphasis: the welfare state. The socialism of Bernie Sanders and his young ally Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is that of the benevolent, egalitarian nanny state where rich Peter is robbed to pay poor Paul. It’s characterized by lots of “free stuff” from the government—which of course isn’t free at all. It’s quite expensive both in terms of the bureaucratic brokerage fees and the demoralizing dependency it produces among its beneficiaries. Is this what Jesus had in mind?

Hardly. Yes, amid the holidays, it’s especially timely to think about helping the poor. It was, after all, a very important part of Jesus's message. How helping the poor is to be done, however, is mighty important.

Christians are commanded in Scripture to love, to pray, to be kind, to serve, to forgive, to be truthful, to worship the one God, to learn and grow in both spirit and character. All of those things are very personal. They require no politicians, police, bureaucrats, political parties, or programs.

“The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want,” says Jesus in Matthew 26:11 and Mark 14:7. The key words there are you can help and want to help. He didn’t say, “We’re going to make you help whether you like it or not.”

In Luke 12:13-15, Jesus is approached with a redistribution request. “Master, speak to my brother that he divideth the inheritance with me,” a man asks. Jesus replied, “Man, who made me a judge or divider over you?” Then he rebuked the petitioner for his envy.

Christianity is not about passing the buck to the government when it comes to relieving the plight of the poor. Caring for them, which means helping them overcome it, not paying them to stay poor or making them dependent upon the state, has been an essential fact in the life of a true Christian for 2,000 years. Christian charity, being voluntary and heartfelt, is utterly distinct from the compulsory, impersonal mandates of the state.

What Does Scripture Say?

But don’t take my word for it. Consider what the apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 9:7: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”

And in Jesus’s Parable of the Good Samaritan, the traveler is regarded as “good” because he personally helped the stricken man at the roadside with his own time and resources. If, instead, he had urged the helpless chap to wait for a government check to arrive, we would likely know him today as the Good-for-Nothing Samaritan.

Jesus clearly held that compassion is a wholesome value to possess, but I know of no passage in the New Testament that suggests it’s a value he’d impose by force or gunpoint—in other words, by socialist politics.

Socialists are fond of suggesting that Jesus disdained the rich, citing two particular moments: his driving of the money-changers from the Temple and his remark that it’s easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven. In the first instance, Jesus was angry that God’s house was being misused. Indeed, he never drove a money-changer from a bank or a marketplace. In the second, he was warning that with great wealth, great temptations come, too.

These were admonitions against misplaced priorities, not class warfare messages.

Creating Wealth Is a Virtue—Not Redistributing It

In his Parable of the Talents, Jesus talks about a man who entrusts his wealth to three servants for a time. When the man returns, he learns that one of the servants safeguarded his share by burying it, the second put his share to work and multiplied it, and the third invested his and generated the greatest return of all. Who’s the hero in the parable? The wealth-creating third man. The first one is admonished, and his share is taken and given to the third.

That doesn’t sound very socialist, does it?

Likewise, in Jesus’s Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, the story upholds capitalist virtues, not socialist ones. When some workers complain that others were paid more, the employer rightfully defends the right of voluntary contract, private property, and, in effect, the law of supply and demand.

At Christmas time and throughout the year, Jesus would want each of us to be generous in helping the needy. But if you think he meant for politicians to do it with police power at twice the cost and half the effectiveness of private charity, you’re not reading the same New Testament I am.

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